Our COVID19 Protocols

Returning to Worship at Beautiful Savior - Updated 7.12.2020

We returned to our normal service setting starting June 28, 2020. Certain precautions have been put in place for the health and safety of the congregation and pastor. For those that gather at the church, the precautions in this document are expected to be followed. Please continue to review the bulletin announcements for additional information and any future changes to the items listed below.

  • Upon arriving at the church, you will be greeted by an usher at the door (outside if possible). The usher may go through a few announcements and request to take your temperature with an infrared thermometer before entering the church.
  • We will greet one another from a distance without physical contact. Remember to distance yourself from those outside of your household by at least six feet.
  • Using every third pew, an usher will direct you to a seat based on the size of your group. While immediate families and households may sit together, we ask that you distance yourself from other families and households by at least six feet. Please do not remove ropes used to block off pews.
  • Masks are required to be worn inside the church at all times, except by those under the age of two. If you choose not to do so, the usher will seat you at the tables behind the partitions in order to ensure proper distancing.
  • Upon entering the church, please use the provided hand sanitizer. If you are unable to use alcohol‐ based hand sanitizer, please wash your hands, using soap and water in the restrooms, as soon as possible after entering the church. You are asked to keep what you touch to a minimum.
  • Bulletins will be available for you to use. However, if you are able to print your own, please do so. To keep loose paper within the church to a minimum, the hymns are not expected to be available as printed sheets within the church. Hymnals may be used.
  • We will be singing hymns and speaking responsive liturgy. Please remember to keep your mask covering your mouth and nose while in the church. Singing quietly helps to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.
  • Offering plates will not be passed. Rather, there will be a plate on the partition as you enter the sanctuary. 
    You are encouraged to consider using Give Plus Mobile for your offering.
  • An usher will dismiss you from the pews. Please exit the church as soon as you are dismissed. Any fellowship should occur outside. We ask that you take your discarded items out of the church with you, including bulletins.
  • Post‐service snacks will be discontinued until a later date.
  • If you are attending Bible Class, please wait outside until the other worshipers have exited the church to come back inside.

Communion (Second and Last Sunday)

Communion during church services has resumed on the regular schedule, the second and last Sunday of each month. During distribution, please follow these procedures:

  • One household or person will be ushered to the alter at a time. The intention will be that this is in a continuous manner. The next group will be waiting to approach the altar when the group ahead of them leaves the altar. Please remember to distance yourself from others as you walk through the church and take communion.
  • If you are seated on a side aisle, you will be ushered to the back of the church and will approach the front of the church from the center aisle. Individuals seated on the center aisle will walk directly up the center aisle from their seat.
  • If you are able, please use the hand sanitizer at the front of the church as you approach the altar.
  • Both the wafer and wine will be in individual cups, spaced on trays, on a table at the front of the church. Common cup will not be offered until further notice. Please do what you can to avoid contact with cups other than the one you take.
  • After communing, leave the front of the church to the left/lectern side, placing your cups in the basket. Walk through the area behind the partitions to return to the side of the church that your seat is on.
  • Pastor will speak the Dismissal after all have communed.

Virtual Attendance

If you have any concerns, please continue to attend worship using the options listed below. If you are in a high‐risk group or are sick in any way, please stay home. By entering the church, you are accepting risk that you’ll be exposed to illnesses, included COVID‐19. While the precautions outlined herein are meant to create a safe place of worship, safety and health cannot be guaranteed. For the safety of everyone in the church, individuals not following these precautions will not be allowed to remain in the church. We appreciate your understanding and pray that these precautions will not be necessary for long.

Zoom:                         https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6801341226?pwd=aGJPYzlyK2FSaG5PZndpY0VuNEtDUT09

YouTube:                    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOpIwmjcStamZeoTS4GihFw/videos?view=57&flow=grid

Video recordings:     https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOpIwmjcStamZeoTS4GihFw/videos?view=2&flow=grid

Listen via Phone:      (312) 629‐6799. If asked for a password, enter 8051

Holy Communion:    Contact Pastor for an appointment: (515) 225‐4392, pastorofbsavior@gmail.com
